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This site has been created to provide resources and information for anyone seeking career guidance. The information shared is not sponsored. I admit that based on my education and professional experiences that I do have preferences and biases, and I have included the career services that I provide when relevant. I encourage you to educate yourself on your options and decide what best will serve your needs.

Vicky Payne - About Me

I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and I own and operate a private career counseling business, VP Career Exploration. VPCE's goal is to work one-on-one with clients to provide them with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to make their own well informed and thought out decisions to guide their future education and career.

I am an Adjunct Professor at a community college teaching several different classes focused on helping students navigate their college experience and make informed education and career choices for their future.


I wrote the soon to be published Career Compass: Navigating Career Exploration to provide an affordable and self-directed guide for those who desire assistance with their career choices.

Counseling Credential
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) 

Vocational Rehabilitation
Masters of Science
University of Wisconsin-Stout - Menominee, Wisconsin

Cognitive Science, emphasis in Psychology
Bachelors of Art
Occidental College - Los Angeles, California

Teaching Experience 
Adjunct Professor, College Success Department  
Johnson County Community College - Overland Park, Kansas

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